Successfully Growing a Microgreen Harvest

This guide was specifically designed for Skyhaven Harvest's Microgreens Growing Kits, however, this information is completely universal for all forms of at-home Microgreens growing specifically hydroponic growing. Please enjoy our guide and reach out to us if you have any questions or additional information if you'd care to share!
Planting Your Seeds
Start by sanitizing your stackable growing trays with vinegar and water. We use 2 tablespoons of vinegar in 16 oz of water. Wipe down your trays and let them air dry.
Once your trays are dry, stack them with the solid tray on bottom and perforated tray on top. The solid tray acts as a trough for water and the perforated tray allows water to be absorbed by the roots and sustainably held by the hemp mat, significantly reducing the risk for mold.
Place a single hemp mat in the perforated tray and evenly mist the entire sheet with the aluminum spray bottle. This helps the seeds stick to the hemp mat and therefore makes the process of spreading them out much easier. After the seeds are spread evenly across the mat, mist them again to give them another drink of water. Be careful not to soak the mat.
Incubation Period
Stack the solid tray on top of the seed tray and weight it down with 3-5 lbs. A rock or stack of cookbooks should do. Putting weight on top of your Microgreens during the incubation period helps trap humidity, and forces the seeds to root down into the hemp mat and will also provide resistance for the seeds to push against, helping to shed their seed hulls and encourage stronger stem growth.
Leave your seeds covered for 3-4 days. Mist your seeds daily, again, be careful to not overwater. Try to check your seeds at the same time each day so you can start a watering schedule. The incubation period is when your seeds germinate, be sure to keep your greens in a temperate place (60-75 F.) and not in direct sunlight. The darkness simulates them being underground.
Growing Period
Once the seeds have all germinated, after 3-4 days, stack the seed tray on top of the solid tray and place in sunlight or under grow lights. Mold can result from high humidity. Place a fan or dehumidifier nearby to promote optimal airflow. Keep the greens at 60-75 F/15-23 C. Rotating the tray isn't a bad idea if the greens are growing in direct sunlight, this will help the greens not to lean.
Once the seeds are exposed to light, the bottom watering begins. Try to bottom water twice a day. We have found that it's easiest to have a schedule of watering first thing in the morning and then again in the evening. The goal is to keep the hemp mat consistently moist.
Once the Microgreens are about 2 inches tall, they are ready to harvest. The benefit of growing with a hemp mat is that they are mess free when it comes to harvesting. Take the hemp mat directly out of the growing trays and using a scissors or sharp knife, cut a half an inch above the mat. When getting ready to store your Microgreens, make sure they are as dry as possible by patting them with a paper towel or spinning them in a salad spinner. The best way to store them is in either a sealed plastic bag or air-tight container. You could also dehydrate them to use as a seasoning. Controlling the moisture is key when storing Microgreens.