The Difference between Ashinaga and Higurashi Scissors

(pictured above: left side is the Higurashi and the right side is the Ashinaga)
Here at Skyhaven Harvest we offer two subtly different looking scissors with unique and distinct purposes. We want to clearly define our Ashinaga and Higurashi Scissors for you. We use our scissors for so many purposes, like harvesting microgreens or other garden goodies, while cooking, for pruning house plants and for many other purposes! In this article we are going to discuss the specific design and uses for both of the scissors to better help you decide which scissor better fits your needs.
Ashinaga Scissors
Traditionally these scissors are used for defoliating bonsai's or for cutting thin branches with precision. Ashinaga shears are incredibly useful for everyday pruning. Their narrow design makes them easier to get in between branches. These Japanese stainless steel Ashinaga shears are designed with a long neck for navigating tight spaces. Using these scissors is more similar to using a scissor than the Higurashi Scissors and are better suited for smaller hands. The stainless steel constructions also makes it easy to use daily with little wear or maintenance.
Higurashi Scissors
While Higurashi scissors are also traditionally used for pruning bonsai trees, they have a larger butterfly handle which allows you to hold the scissor closer to the blades making it feel more like you are pinching instead of holding them like a pair of conventional scissors. Higurashi scissors are still perfect for any garden and home purposes, however, they are exceptional for cut flowers, dead-heading, a bit of bonsai and light pruning. To properly hold the Higurashi, you hold them with your index finger outside the handle, for flexible, comfy use.
In conclusion, the Ashinaga are longer for cutting things further away from your hand and the Higurashi allows you to have your hands closer to what you are cutting. The Higurashi also have larger handles so are able to fit larger or gloved hands more easily. Both are Japanese made, drop-forged stainless steel which helps to significantly reduce the risk of rust and keeps them sharp.